elsewhere87 Nov 10, 2012 21:58
character: merlin/emrys, length: 1/2/3 parter, type: can./alt, character: gwaine, mood: friendship, mood: angst, mood: family, character: arthur, type: scene extender, season: 5, ✒writing: sow the seeds, character: hunith, character: mordred, ✍status: complete, character: guinevere
elsewhere87 Jul 31, 2012 19:50
type: can./alt, character: leon, character: gwaine, character: gaius, type: scene extender, character: hunith, ✍status: complete, character: percival, character: merlin/emrys, mood: adventure, ✒writing: shatter into...tomorrow, season: 4, mood: angst, character: arthur, length: multi chapters, character: guinevere, character: kilgharrah
elsewhere87 Jun 30, 2012 14:21
type: can./alt, character: leon, character: gwaine, character: gaius, type: scene extender, character: hunith, character: percival, character: merlin/emrys, mood: adventure, ✒writing: shatter into...tomorrow, season: 4, mood: angst, ✍status: in progress, character: morgana, character: arthur, length: multi chapters, character: guinevere, character: kilgharrah
elsewhere87 May 29, 2012 22:46
time: past, length: 1/2/3 parter, character: balinor, ✒writing: the dragonlord's tears, type: can./alt, mood: angst, mood: family, character: hunith, ✍status: complete